Big Bend
Michael processed veggie oil by the river on land that was once irrigated by the Daniels who farmed from 1910 to 1940 and lived in this adobe house. The coyote lingered nearby all day. I think it was the scent of all the good food that had once been associated with the oil that held him in the voyager's orbit.
The Rio Grande is dark green and sudsy, shallow and narrow. We paddled about 6 miles from our camp site and stopped at the hotspring shown here, then we had to ride our bikes a rigorous 10 miles back on dirt roads after a grader had gone through.
The people who live in Boquillas, Mexico, have been shunned since a newspaper article exposed the open border here in 2002. There are signs threatening fines and jail time if you buy a walking stick or beaded wire scorpion, which the people leave out on the Texas side with appeals and tin cans for money. We bought the cancion of a man named Victor who sang beautifully, with his fine voice filling up the boquillas canyon. As the ancient ones probably sang as they grinded food and medicine out on the rock above the river.
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