Sacramento River
On our one week anniversary of being home we went out to the Sacramento River to check in with wildness. Here are some swallow and tern pictures.
Our northern Sacramento valley river cuts through some of the deepest soil in North America. It is our Nile. Now it is controlled by Shasta Dam above, near Redding, as well as a diversion dam in Red Bluff. Further south, before it gets to the Delta it is almost canalized. There are a few sections where there are ripples but mostly it is fast moving, wide, shallow and cold. The biggest risk to humans are snags which appear when trees are washed in to the river during the annual floods. It’s mostly mellow and beautiful with a narrow band of mature deciduous trees flanking it before the tree farms behind them.
I’m very disappointed to read that Fish and Game will allow a salmon season that includes catch and release which often means catch and die. Too bad they are such wimps!
After we canoed a few miles he rode the bike back up to the put in place. Once we were loaded up we went to Scotty’s which is a river dive with a beautiful sunset view from its deck. It's the best place to eat bad food.
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