Hard week in August
Last year at this time we were in the Canadian Rockies and I’m putting the vastness and beauty of that next to my flatlander life in warm, dry Chico.
On Tuesday night many of us tried to get our City Council to send a resolution to Congress requesting the Impeachment of the President and Vice-President. In what I believe was an extreme example of weakness, two of our liberal council people refused to vote for it, claiming it wasn’t a local issue. On Thursday I went before the planning commission and spoke against opening the land around our farm to residential development. Obviously, even without even mentioning a full week of working and trying to put up peaches and tomatoes at every spare moment, this was what I call a hard week. So, here’s some people doing a political act with humor, using lemonade money to help the California budget deficit, and some people (Crazy Grass) playing some fun music to an appreciative downtown crowd in our new cemented central park…
At least there's good people and friends all along the way, this prickly path.
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