Veggie Voyagers

Couple travelled 30 states and 3 Canadian provinces between 7/07 and 5/08 running their 1987 Ford truck on straight veggie oil. The blog continues with a focus on the natural world and energy politics from a personal perspective

Friday, May 30, 2008

Word voyaging

We want to Thank Tang Lor for doing her article in the Chico News and Review ( and Leslie Layton for running my article about pollution in We plan to show photos of the journey at the Chico Peace and Justice Center on the 4th at 7pm. I am so happy to share the beauty of these lands (see the blog archives before May,) with folks but also need to share the alarm bells. Michael will go last as he has the details of the veggie processing that will either cure curiosity or erase it.

M is pruning privets here. Actually, it's a brutal process but keeps them from dropping seed babies.

Bruce is growing beautiful lettuce, as usual and I buy direct from him out of the field.
Sasha has had her summer "do." (Sort of privet style grooming.)

Our Costco membership is gone this weekend. No more easy (but expensive) veggie oil!


At May 31, 2008 at 11:19 AM , Blogger Lisa Wildenhaus said...

Welcome Home! What an incredible experience you and Michael had on your journey. I can't wait to catch up and hear about it some more. We sure miss you!



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