Guatemala, the first days
Sister Sarah, a Sister of Charity from the U.S., started the Clinica Comunitaria Daniel Comboni 15 years ago. This first photo is of the extension she is adding now with the help of her community of friends and family in Cincinnati and in Mixco
One of the activities to celebrate the clinic's 15 years of community building and health provision was a race, about 7k, in which about 90 people participated. This young woman shown here with her mom, sister and nephew was the first woman across the finish line.
This is a photo of Sister Sarah, one of the nicest, toughest, almost 73 year old women around. She's also a family nurse practitioner, administrator, and fearless driver in Guatemala City traffic.
This is one of the health promoters, named Irma, and her daughter... Irma is one of the few people who will grin for a photo. Most everyone else made a terribly serious face so it wasn't easy to show their easy going sides. Below though is the whole group of health promoters from the area in the hills around the Comboni Clinic in Mixco-- Vista Hermosa, Las Limas, San Francisco, San Juan Sacapetequez... Some also teach literacy. We did a three and a half hour all women's health topic taller (workshop) and even with my horrible Spanish it was lively and interesting and I think we all learned from one another.
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