Mid summer garden
It is a relief to have four days off. We’ll head off to the mountains (in the VV truck) but first I had to turn over the watering to our neighbor (for all the baby coleus springing up in every bare patch in the yard.) The garden is like the sorcerer’s apprentice but I decided it is the source’s apprentice. There was a program on last night about angiogenesis—the way cancers create their own blood supply. Really, gardens are somewhat like that with the weeds and bugs they shelter, creating their own little lush gardens. They are differentiated and useful but really do go out of control. Have you ever turned your back on a bean bush or a zucchini for a day? I have overwhelmed my co-workers at two different jobs and now will deliver produce to the radio (www.kzfr.org) tomorrow—another source of masses to feed zucchini to. It’s not like I have that many plants.
The corn is “as high as an elephant’s eye” and the sunflowers are as high as a giraffe’s eye. To go away I’ve harvested heavily but I have no hope that the weeds and the vegetables won’t have taken over Manhattan by the time we return.
I've included a photo of our Four O'Clocks. They need no water. Live seemingly forever and die back to nothing above ground every winter. Amazing!
Here are some lovely Vitamin A rich women from Addus Health Care who I am lucky enough to work with.